So I have not posted in a while but will not post some big long update like I have in the past. Pretty much the only update is I GOT ENGAGED!!! Jon proposed the Saturday after I got back my Utah. It was a very good proposal. If you want to hear it feel free to email me. But the sad news is that with being engaged comes stress and an extra load on the plate. I have to plan a wedding. Luckily I have amazing friends who are more than willing to help but I am not sure if I will fulfill this task. But I guess no matter what happens, how sucky the reception is, how lame my dress looks, I will have Jon as a husband. Anyone good at wedding planning though?? Anyone, Anyone???
Well my postings might be a bit sparse for a while but I will try my best to post something everyone once in a while, perhaps updates on the wedding plans, perhaps some random thought that happens to break through the barrier of the wedding planning. For now just remember That yes Hell Can Freeze Over for I am engaged.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I have not done a posting in a few weeks as there has been much going on.
Two weekends ago was quite fun. Friday, Jon & I got together with my friends Chris and Joce. We got dinner at Chipotle and went and saw Push. We all enjoyed Push though all of it did not make sense to us. I went home that night and researched the movie for like two hours and me and Jon debated the movie for the rest of the weekend. It got bad reviews by many but you may enjoy it if you do not think too hard about it and if you do not mind that it copied from many other movies. But in the spirit of not giving the movie away I will not share what our debate was about.
Saturday after doing a bit of shopping and getting some yummie treats in the Nordstromes Cafe (highly recommend their banana bread) , Jon and I went to a house show. There is a gal in another ward that gets independent bands to come and play at her apartment. Its called the House Show Series. The particular evening we went it was at a young mans house otherwise known as the Party Palace. Two young men were the first act, the host was the second act, and the third was a band made up of four members. I would give the names of the first two acts but I actually don't remember their names off the top of my head. The third act was the Jonathan Vassar & The Speckled Bird band. I feel I am technically off on my wording but oh well. Their website just got up and running and
will eventually be the place to go if you want to learn more about them. For now they have the times and dates of when they are playing if you ever happen to be in Richmond. The reason they amazed me was because of the beautiful vocals and the amazing array of instruments they play. I jokingly, or maybe not so jokingly told Jon we should get them to play at our reception. Mainly because I think they are just that cool. Also, I want somebody playing the according at my wedding reception.
Sunday was an interesting day. Church was fun and good mainly because everybody seemed to be in a good mood, especially my friend Justin. And the lesson in Relief Society was amazing. So it started out good. But then I found out my grandpa's oxygen level was going down but I pushed it off because he had so many problems about a month ago and pulled out of it. But by the mid afternoon he had passed. I was somewhat sad but not at much as expected based on how I reacted when he almost died a bit of time back. Luckily, I was able to find a plane ticket to go for about 280 thanks to Southwest. I highly recommend flying with Southwest. I had already half set up and agreed to go to game night at Brooke's house with the gange and decided to still go, dragging Laura along. We played Pass the Pigs which I did not win, lamely enough, and then we played another really awesome game I can't remember the name of. Basically you answer questions and whoever turn it is has to guess who gave what answer.In one instance Justin asked "Who killed JFK." The answers went as follows
Brooke: your mom
Jon: Batman
Scott: Castro
Laura: your mom
Me: your mom.
Can you see a pattern? It was hilarious.Another thing we did was steal each others jokes so that people would get confused. The main jokes were Boom Boom Rocket and Scott Baxter. Oh and Obama of course. What a fun night.
I worked until Tuesday afternoon and then left for Utah. That night my friend Alfredo picked me up and we went to Village Inn. It was nice to catch up with him and talk about life. The next day I just hung around and did a bit of cleaning that night. I think people thought I was crazy because I started washing the floor by hand. My grandma finally gave me a mop that I ended up using. My Grandma has a Walmart Grocery Store near her. Its freaken awesome. Wednesday I almost got ice cream there because their selection was so amazing. But I held out. I was not so lucky the next time when the candy isle got me and I bought a big bag of double bubble gum. yummy. Thursday was the funeral and family day.
The service was amazing. I learned so much about my Grandpa and my Brother gave a very good talk. I think I will do a blog about my Grandpa another night so I will hold off on telling you what I learned about him. The spirit there was very strong as the focus was not only on his military career but also on how he joined the church at the age of 81, only about a year and a half before he died. I know he will get a warm welcome in heaven. It was also great to see my family. Oh and thanks to all those people in Loudoun County who sent flowers and anybody not in Loudoun County. All the flowers were beautiful. Maybe ill post a picture of them later.
Friday I got my hair done by my friend Darrin's wife. It was soo good to visit thema and she did a great job. If your ever in Utah and need your hair done you should look her up. Her salon is Striking Image Salon. She works out of her home so no walk ins. I promise shes good. It would be fun living near them. They are a great couple.
A friend Nick then got me and we had lunch together. Girls he needs a girlfriend. j/k. Anyways I hung out with my brother that evening and did a bit of shopping with him. Then we watched Traitor which a really good movie. Saturday Logan drove up and we went and visited my friends in Provo and then stopped by and visited an old young womens leader I call Sister Pugmire. It was so awesome to catch up with her as I had not seen her in years. I love her and her family. While in Provo, Logan and I and other friends went and got Thai food at Thai Ruby which was so yummy and got Carmel Apples at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory which were heavenly. Sadly my favorite Indian place had closed.
Sunday was a special stake conference which Elder Packer spoke at. It was a very good session. Sister Pugmire texted me and said that another friend of mine from home Sister Dowdle was there too. So wierd. Anyways the session was only an hour and half so that was awesome. Why does short church only happen to me in Utah and Wyoming while in on vacation. Why not more often? I spend the rest of the day with the family and watched some television. I watched that show about the family with 18 kids. Holly macrole. What interested me about them though was their conservative ways. They don't even dance. Very interesting. They are very close to Jesus in their own way. I need to find out what religion they are. It would really interest me based on the way they live. I could never live in skirts all day long and not dance but good for them if they feel like it brings them closer to salvation. They are an extremely close knit family and seem very happy. In the episode I watched their oldest son got married. He and his wife never kissed until their wedding day and of course waited to have sex until marriage. Another cool thing. The wedding was cool even though it was not extravagant. Simple wedding but big wedding because there was so many family members and friends.
When I flew home Monday Sister Dowdle was on my flight so we talked the whole way back to VA. So fun though I was running on about 3 hours of sleep since me and mom got dropped off at the airport at 4:30 in the morning. I got home in time to get laundry and snow shoveling done and I ended up watching 2 amazing episodes of 24 with Jon. Oh and how good it was to see Jon finally.
Now back to boring and complicated and dramatic work I go.
Sorry if all this boring information bored you. I will try and write a post about random subjects next.
Other random thoughts:
We watched the edited verson of Face Off. An amazing movie.
If anybody wants to open a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Virginia I will buy enough apples to keep you in business. Or ill work for you. Or...Or...Maybe I should open one. They have the best carmel apples ever.
DOESN'T LOGAN'S APPLE IT JUST LOOK AMAZING. Want to open one with me????
Two weekends ago was quite fun. Friday, Jon & I got together with my friends Chris and Joce. We got dinner at Chipotle and went and saw Push. We all enjoyed Push though all of it did not make sense to us. I went home that night and researched the movie for like two hours and me and Jon debated the movie for the rest of the weekend. It got bad reviews by many but you may enjoy it if you do not think too hard about it and if you do not mind that it copied from many other movies. But in the spirit of not giving the movie away I will not share what our debate was about.
Saturday after doing a bit of shopping and getting some yummie treats in the Nordstromes Cafe (highly recommend their banana bread) , Jon and I went to a house show. There is a gal in another ward that gets independent bands to come and play at her apartment. Its called the House Show Series. The particular evening we went it was at a young mans house otherwise known as the Party Palace. Two young men were the first act, the host was the second act, and the third was a band made up of four members. I would give the names of the first two acts but I actually don't remember their names off the top of my head. The third act was the Jonathan Vassar & The Speckled Bird band. I feel I am technically off on my wording but oh well. Their website just got up and running and
will eventually be the place to go if you want to learn more about them. For now they have the times and dates of when they are playing if you ever happen to be in Richmond. The reason they amazed me was because of the beautiful vocals and the amazing array of instruments they play. I jokingly, or maybe not so jokingly told Jon we should get them to play at our reception. Mainly because I think they are just that cool. Also, I want somebody playing the according at my wedding reception.
Sunday was an interesting day. Church was fun and good mainly because everybody seemed to be in a good mood, especially my friend Justin. And the lesson in Relief Society was amazing. So it started out good. But then I found out my grandpa's oxygen level was going down but I pushed it off because he had so many problems about a month ago and pulled out of it. But by the mid afternoon he had passed. I was somewhat sad but not at much as expected based on how I reacted when he almost died a bit of time back. Luckily, I was able to find a plane ticket to go for about 280 thanks to Southwest. I highly recommend flying with Southwest. I had already half set up and agreed to go to game night at Brooke's house with the gange and decided to still go, dragging Laura along. We played Pass the Pigs which I did not win, lamely enough, and then we played another really awesome game I can't remember the name of. Basically you answer questions and whoever turn it is has to guess who gave what answer.In one instance Justin asked "Who killed JFK." The answers went as follows
Brooke: your mom
Jon: Batman
Scott: Castro
Laura: your mom
Me: your mom.
Can you see a pattern? It was hilarious.Another thing we did was steal each others jokes so that people would get confused. The main jokes were Boom Boom Rocket and Scott Baxter. Oh and Obama of course. What a fun night.
I worked until Tuesday afternoon and then left for Utah. That night my friend Alfredo picked me up and we went to Village Inn. It was nice to catch up with him and talk about life. The next day I just hung around and did a bit of cleaning that night. I think people thought I was crazy because I started washing the floor by hand. My grandma finally gave me a mop that I ended up using. My Grandma has a Walmart Grocery Store near her. Its freaken awesome. Wednesday I almost got ice cream there because their selection was so amazing. But I held out. I was not so lucky the next time when the candy isle got me and I bought a big bag of double bubble gum. yummy. Thursday was the funeral and family day.
The service was amazing. I learned so much about my Grandpa and my Brother gave a very good talk. I think I will do a blog about my Grandpa another night so I will hold off on telling you what I learned about him. The spirit there was very strong as the focus was not only on his military career but also on how he joined the church at the age of 81, only about a year and a half before he died. I know he will get a warm welcome in heaven. It was also great to see my family. Oh and thanks to all those people in Loudoun County who sent flowers and anybody not in Loudoun County. All the flowers were beautiful. Maybe ill post a picture of them later.
Friday I got my hair done by my friend Darrin's wife. It was soo good to visit thema and she did a great job. If your ever in Utah and need your hair done you should look her up. Her salon is Striking Image Salon. She works out of her home so no walk ins. I promise shes good. It would be fun living near them. They are a great couple.
A friend Nick then got me and we had lunch together. Girls he needs a girlfriend. j/k. Anyways I hung out with my brother that evening and did a bit of shopping with him. Then we watched Traitor which a really good movie. Saturday Logan drove up and we went and visited my friends in Provo and then stopped by and visited an old young womens leader I call Sister Pugmire. It was so awesome to catch up with her as I had not seen her in years. I love her and her family. While in Provo, Logan and I and other friends went and got Thai food at Thai Ruby which was so yummy and got Carmel Apples at Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory which were heavenly. Sadly my favorite Indian place had closed.
Sunday was a special stake conference which Elder Packer spoke at. It was a very good session. Sister Pugmire texted me and said that another friend of mine from home Sister Dowdle was there too. So wierd. Anyways the session was only an hour and half so that was awesome. Why does short church only happen to me in Utah and Wyoming while in on vacation. Why not more often? I spend the rest of the day with the family and watched some television. I watched that show about the family with 18 kids. Holly macrole. What interested me about them though was their conservative ways. They don't even dance. Very interesting. They are very close to Jesus in their own way. I need to find out what religion they are. It would really interest me based on the way they live. I could never live in skirts all day long and not dance but good for them if they feel like it brings them closer to salvation. They are an extremely close knit family and seem very happy. In the episode I watched their oldest son got married. He and his wife never kissed until their wedding day and of course waited to have sex until marriage. Another cool thing. The wedding was cool even though it was not extravagant. Simple wedding but big wedding because there was so many family members and friends.
When I flew home Monday Sister Dowdle was on my flight so we talked the whole way back to VA. So fun though I was running on about 3 hours of sleep since me and mom got dropped off at the airport at 4:30 in the morning. I got home in time to get laundry and snow shoveling done and I ended up watching 2 amazing episodes of 24 with Jon. Oh and how good it was to see Jon finally.
Now back to boring and complicated and dramatic work I go.
Sorry if all this boring information bored you. I will try and write a post about random subjects next.
Other random thoughts:
We watched the edited verson of Face Off. An amazing movie.
If anybody wants to open a Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory in Virginia I will buy enough apples to keep you in business. Or ill work for you. Or...Or...Maybe I should open one. They have the best carmel apples ever.

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