If everything works out fine, I will be going to the temple tonight. Its been a while since I have been so I am really looking forward to it. Jon was sick last night so I did not get to hang out with him much but instead of using my time wisely and going to the gym I went home and chilled. The benefit was that I got to get to bed early so I could go to work early. So today I am leaving work even earlier to not only make it to the temple but to also get to the gym because I need to get better about going to the gym.
I have so many things that I am and need to work on. Kind of crazy but since I am determined to be successful in my goals for once, I am excited (though I probably say that every time). Hopefully I succeed, at least in some of them. Often times I feel like I am not good enough in anything I do, especially teaching, so hopefully working towards improving myself will help me feel a bit better about myself. Or maybe I will just judge myself more harshly. Who knows. At the very least hopefully I will gain more confidence in certain areas of my life like the gospel so I wont be so shy about talking about it.
Anyways today I learned a new fact. Aloe vera is really good for the hair. Who could have known. This is a short summary of the benefits and methods you can use. I am tempted to try it just to keep my hair healthy, not because I am scared about hair loss.
I went with Jon and Jocelyn to Annapolis this past weekend. It was so beautiful outside. None of us had been before and I am so glad we made it up there. The water was gorgeous, the boats were amazing, and it was so nice to have somewhere to walk around. And it did not hurt that the town was so pretty with its old buildings. We also got the opportunity to visit the Navy Academy. So cool! We ate lunch at Chick and Ruths Delly . This place caught my interest as I was researching Annapolis because they do the Pledge of Allegiance there every morning. We did not make it for that but any please that does it deserves my money. Their milk shakes and chicken wings were amazing. While up in Annapolis we also got Carmel Apples (dream come true everytime) and fresh squeezed lemonade. We also got candy and by the end were all on sugar highs which we then proceeded to crash and burn from. I could not have asked for a better day though.
Enjoy the pictures below.

Did I ever tell you I love boats?

This is one of the pictures I took at the Navy Academy.

Isn't he sooo cute?
Yes Brother Jon is Cute Love him he is a good brudda