I have to give a shout out to Logan whose birthday was on Sunday. She is another of my best friends. I love her because shes funny. She never ceases to make me laugh with her witty comments. I even like it when she makes fun of me because its just so hilarious. I love her because she always makes me feel good about myself by telling me I do and will look good. I love her because she keeps me company on facebook chat. I love her because she does research for me sometimes. I love her because she is willing to fly to the east coast to chill with me. I love her because she threatens to beat up guys for me. I love her because she speaks "liz," even if they don't teach it at the Sterling Learning Annex like she told me they did. I love her because she's nice and fun and cute and has great style. I love her because there is nothing not to love about her.
So happy birthday from Sunday Logan and I can't wait tell August when we get to go on the road trip of the century together.