Thursday, May 12, 2011

Gotta Share

I love Color Me Katie. She always posts colorful and fun pictures that are inspirational and imaginative. She is also a member of Improve Everywhere, an improve group who always has hilarious ideas and shares their activites on youtube. This is one of their newest videos:

The song is so true to our lives. Kind of makes you feel pathetic, doesn't it? And if it goes viral, it will for exactly the reasons they stated. Perhaps we have all become a bit too predictable and sucked up in things that are time wasters. But honestly, I love the web and would never give it up. It is a huge abyss of greatness. There is and will always be something new to discover and something new to share. Such as this video.



  1. Haha that video is great. Improve everwhere in general is funnyyy and yeah i would crazy without technology.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh i love this video, they are a talented bunch, and Katie is amazing, love her work!
